Friday, April 16, 2010


A prom is a memorable milestone of a students high school career. Constance McMillen and the entire student body was denied access to their prom because of McMillen's same sex date,and her choice to wear a tuxedo. In every one's lifetime they will have their own choices tied to having their own preference in religion, relationships, or even their favorite sports team.

Should Constance McMillen and her date have been allowed to attend the prom? Yes, most definitely! In today's society ones way of life is more out in the open than it has ever been, Americans are more outspoken to their opinions. If this students walks the halls with same preference in the same sex what makes a difference if she comes to the prom with the same sex date. If a student cant go to their prom because of that, they may as well expelled her as soon as her sexuality was made known.

A high school in Hernando, Ms experienced the same extact situation in 2008 ,but the school didn't cancel the prom nor did they deny her choice of date. There wasn't any problems at the prom just a happy memorable night. In this case this became a huge controversy because, of someones own opinion. The judge's decision was perfect due to the time limit of the original prom date April 2, and talk of a private prom on the same date. The judge was considerate of the student's rights even though the prom wasn't reinstated.

The biggest issue with this is the community, parents, and students. The outcome of the "fake prom" was unnecessary, this girl fought hard to attend her senior prom only get embarrassed in the end. Who says anyone elses children are any better,who said they deserved to go because the have opposite sex dates. It just shows teens to disrespect other decisions and ideas, treating others like dirt shouldn't happened. Instead showing the students other ways to deal with the situations.

Another way of going about the situation was simple. Just let the girl go point blank period! She wasn't out to get anyone, just wanted to have fun with someone she was interested in. What does one do if a female basketball player wheres T-shirts and basketball shorts everyday is she denied to play in the WNBA or if a lawyer wears a pants suit to court. Next time those examples should be considered or they should just have remember the date of December 15, 1791 the official date the first 10 Amendments became into effect.
Were the Amendments just ink on the paper or was it really initiated to protect Americans freedom of speech, press,religion, assembly, and petition. The question is was our forefathers fight for freedom pointless?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Childhood Obesity


It was always known that children are our future. (healthyamericans). What if our future leaders are all unhealthy and obese, because they were faced with childhood obesity? In 2008, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimated that 33.8% of adults in the United States were obese, and this problem is becoming a huge factor and it needs a solution, starting with our children. Michelle Obama has taken the initiative to step up and speak out in the “LET’S MOVE” campaign, becoming and beneficial. Companies such as Pepsi, Mars, and Kraft have jumped on board for the fight to childhood obesity, by reducing calories, to help create a healthier youth (, AlterNet). Along with the government and other companies taking control the parents should also help make the decision of their child’s destination (KIMBERLY-CLARK). I’ve pointed the finger at Parents, it’s natural for a child to crave unhealthy foods but, it’s the parents who supply it. They are grabbed by our fast pace lifestyles. Their Kids do not go out and play till dark any more instead, they sit at home eating, playing video games, and watching TV (Newsweek). Most parents do not realize 1 out of 3 children are obese or overweight (kidshealth).
I have a method of changing childhood obesity: putting the weight on the parents’ shoulders. As a parent, sooner or later you will have to take responsibility for your child’s future. First a parent needs to star with their child’s eating habits, making sure the whole family is involved. It wouldn’t be fair if the obese child is the only one forced to eat healthy. It takes every one (usnews). A parent should start slowly replacing their child’s favorite unhealthy foods with something healthy. They must inform them they can still eat their favorite foods in a healthier way.
Obese children face higher risks of multiple medical problems, social isolation, and recurring health issues. Children are suffering from diabetes and heart disease by the age of 3 this is more than a child with baby fat (time). Without parents taking action, their child might be at risk. Children have turned into the boss of their appetites, instead of their parents introducing them to a healthier lifestyle.
Exercise whether it’s playing more in the park, riding bikes, and watching less television is the key to healthy child such as playing more in the park, riding bikes, and watching less television. The zombie minds of parents and others who influence children are going to keep ruining their future when they constantly give and never take and break habits, this has gone on long enough (softpedia). If parents do not wake up they will realize too late that we’re killing ourselves before life can kill us. Eating poorly is a hard habit to break especially for a picky child. You can’t change a child’s diet in one day, but rather eat less of the bad and more of the good.
Parents should take advantage of the changes these companies have made and enforce their demand of a healthier lifestyle, if so they will notice a change in their child’s health. They also need to give constant encouragement rewarding them their efforts, setting up goals. This way the child will have motivation to get up and move(ezinearticles).
Parents and children should start cooking family meals together, so they can learn how to replace good with the bad. Children have their own minds and if they are being taught the right way they will know, then their children will know, and so on. Parents are the most influential towards a child they must change as well to get the message to them. Another solution is having a schedule for each child how long they watch TV play video games and stopping unnecessary eating. Children are so precious we need to take charge, if my methods are used by the parents the fight with childhood obesity will be victorious.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


FOIA is important because, it gives citizens the access to information of past issues in America. It helps us to find out a story that were interested in a little more clearly. FOIA me feel like a detective sniffing out edvidence for a case. Figuring out who, what, when , and why/how something happen geting a better understanding of the situations.
For instance, I looked into the Emmit Till case, finding information I never new about. However, may be late on some of these facts but now i know. From my understanding i thought everything started right after he whistled at the white lady, instead they kidnapped him in the middle of the night around 2 a.m. That is so horrible that they were so angry the had to take a young boys life. Yea, they went to jail but they lived all of there lives so justice is a bunch of bull when others can kill and torcher a child for fun.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Time magazine's 1982 person of the year ( The Computer)

A personal computer is every one's side kick. In 1982 Americans love for television and automobiles would be pushed to the side, now that computers were taking charge in technology. Now, we do not have to choose between the three. We can have TV's and computers in our vehicles all at the same time. That goes to show all of the assumptions for computer greatness was proven true throughout time.In Time magazine's person of the year article, it mentioned the computer would become a common place making life better and easier.
I can say, as a witness in the 28 anniversary of the fad about the beginning of the computer the predictions were correct. It helps everyone in big ways as far as: running a business, stocks, technology, tax returns, check processing, government operations and corporations just to name a few of the many categories the computer is involved in.
Back in 1982 Time magazine feared humans would put themselves in danger for unemployment and
dehumanization. Yes, that has proven to be true also,throughout the 28 years, the computer has taken over many lives due to different programs that can become addictive. Such as video games, chat rooms, and instant messaging. Although the computer is seen as an destruction of the human mind much good comes with it.
Education was said to rise 68%. Which i feel now it exceeds that percentage because of the learning capabilities in helping children learn in a virtual learning environment seeing and learnig quickly in the classroom. It's obvious that the computer wasn't just a has been I can say its become more of an automatic lifestyle. So much in our everyday lives consist of a computer. The jouranlist must have had a time machine to know how great a computers affect would be in today's society.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why I'm Studying Mass Communications

I am studying Mass Communications because I'm interested in what it deals with. This field has so many different paths to take ,and I feel as if i can do well in all the aspects of mass communications. What caught my eye for mass communications was when i was interviewed at a local tv satation in Memphis. I noticed a young lady with a headset running the floor. I do well when someone tells me what to do, then I'll tell others basically controlling the news broadcast. I also have a passion for photography, and the fashion industry. i would like to one day work at a fashion magazine or a clothing company, working with putting together the magazine and advertising the magazine or fashion line. Another asperation is becoming a host on ET Tonight, i love everything about that show it has style, taste, and great reporting. I have to admit i have quite a few things to work on to keep my dream alive. Since I began college I have improved, and i hope to continue to improve making my way to the top fullfilling all of my dreams.
If you click on my hyperlinks you will notice I have some type of experience in front of the camera, advertsing a hair product. Let's note I was in high school when the commercials were created, that is when i discoverd my interest in that particular field.