Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why I'm Studying Mass Communications

I am studying Mass Communications because I'm interested in what it deals with. This field has so many different paths to take ,and I feel as if i can do well in all the aspects of mass communications. What caught my eye for mass communications was when i was interviewed at a local tv satation in Memphis. I noticed a young lady with a headset running the floor. I do well when someone tells me what to do, then I'll tell others basically controlling the news broadcast. I also have a passion for photography, and the fashion industry. i would like to one day work at a fashion magazine or a clothing company, working with putting together the magazine and advertising the magazine or fashion line. Another asperation is becoming a host on ET Tonight, i love everything about that show it has style, taste, and great reporting. I have to admit i have quite a few things to work on to keep my dream alive. Since I began college I have improved, and i hope to continue to improve making my way to the top fullfilling all of my dreams.
If you click on my hyperlinks you will notice I have some type of experience in front of the camera, advertsing a hair product. Let's note I was in high school when the commercials were created, that is when i discoverd my interest in that particular field.


  1. Wow kinda small but i guess that if thats how u feel abot mass comm lol

  2. I see your not really into mass communication and you also have a word era

  3. that's a good blog i think it could be a little bit longer but overall very good

  4. I think you may want to explore the field of COM a little more. I am willing to help you search for your dream job as far as whatever it is you want to do. It's not easy to pick. It must be something you enjoy. Keep Hope Alive!

  5. im sorry about the length you guys ....time jus was't on my side. I love mass comm so don't think I don't. Make sure you all follow me next class, you shpuld be very interested in what I have to say.

  6. Good plan! Hope it works out for the best.

  7. wow i c u like c u doe but we dont care about what u say at all Ms Lc lol just playin

  8. Im glad that you are intersted in Mass Com, It is a very broad field and I hope that one day you will find ur career path

  9. good luck in your future endeavors you will do fine
