Monday, January 25, 2010

Time magazine's 1982 person of the year ( The Computer)

A personal computer is every one's side kick. In 1982 Americans love for television and automobiles would be pushed to the side, now that computers were taking charge in technology. Now, we do not have to choose between the three. We can have TV's and computers in our vehicles all at the same time. That goes to show all of the assumptions for computer greatness was proven true throughout time.In Time magazine's person of the year article, it mentioned the computer would become a common place making life better and easier.
I can say, as a witness in the 28 anniversary of the fad about the beginning of the computer the predictions were correct. It helps everyone in big ways as far as: running a business, stocks, technology, tax returns, check processing, government operations and corporations just to name a few of the many categories the computer is involved in.
Back in 1982 Time magazine feared humans would put themselves in danger for unemployment and
dehumanization. Yes, that has proven to be true also,throughout the 28 years, the computer has taken over many lives due to different programs that can become addictive. Such as video games, chat rooms, and instant messaging. Although the computer is seen as an destruction of the human mind much good comes with it.
Education was said to rise 68%. Which i feel now it exceeds that percentage because of the learning capabilities in helping children learn in a virtual learning environment seeing and learnig quickly in the classroom. It's obvious that the computer wasn't just a has been I can say its become more of an automatic lifestyle. So much in our everyday lives consist of a computer. The jouranlist must have had a time machine to know how great a computers affect would be in today's society.


  1. i like the details and exapmles used to show really how computers are a must have and always will be a must have. You also showed how the past also was affected by the use of computers.

  2. The personal computer is indeed one of the greatest inventions. It have everything we need in todays society. In actually te computer could put a person out of a job it it wanted to because it has television, radio, movies, all the information we need and so much more. Many people work form home because of the computer, and numerous people have become million and billionairs because of there creation of maybe a web page which they couldnt do if there wasnt a computer. The PC deserved its title of machine/person of the year in 1982 because it was the beginning of something great.
